This is
Big Rock Exploration AB


Big Rock Exploration AB was formed in 2013 as an exploration company in the raw materials industry.

The company has three exploration permits.
Ingelshyttan: Iron, copper and gold
Nybergsfältet: Iron, copper and gold
Grecksåsar: Iron, copper, zinc and lead.

The company holds projects through associated companies

Associated company

Under this tab you will find information about Big Rock Exploration AB associated companys: 

Big Rock Energy AB

Masify Capital AB

Archelon REE AB

Investor Relations

Here you will find Big Rock Exploration AB's latest news for investors / stakeholders.

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Do you have a thought that needs to be discussed or general questions?
Please contact us.

Latest News

Big Rock Exploration AB
Slottsgatan 14
553 22, Jönköping
Telephone: (+46) 070 695 84 06